"National Academic Advancement Foundation seeks Federal Interns in Management Analyst Positions. Email mrosanchez to apply." Easy. Draft nice cover letter, attach resume. Send email. Done. Auto-reply: Sanchez is out of the office. Shit. Enter USAjobs website. OK, apply online- Click! Now entering the NAAF portal. Oh... kay... Create an account. Fuck. Fine. Email, password, address, whatever, fine, click! Please answer these questions pertaining to your application. Oh no. Multiple choice. OK, fine, not bad. No, not a veteran, no not a Federal employee, OK, click! Please answer the following questions and keep in mind your responses are subject to reference and you may be denied employment or fired once employed if they are proven false. Oh... boy. 'Where in your resume did you do this?' 'What level are you familiar with this?' Check your competence in this and that, please check all that apply. OK fine, click! Please respond with a time were you exhibited teamwork (8000 character limit). Fuck. Fuck. Fuck you. Damn it. Ugh, well I've come this far. 200 words, done. More multiple choice. Check boxes that apply. Done. Please respond with a time you analyzed, interpreted and gave recommendations for improvement to an administration (8000 character limit). Fuck you, fine. 200 more words. Click! Please rate your skill in such and such. Fuck you NAAF. Click! Please respond to your last statements with a best example (8000 character limit). What were the last statements? Do not click your browser's "back" button, the page will time out. You sneaky pricks. You're snakes, snakes I tell you. Fuck you and your job. 200 more words. Done. Finished. Click! Press DONE to print your fax cover sheet. I don't have a printer. Fax your transcript following the instructions listed below. I don't have a fax machine. Fuck.