no such interesthing

the eel that was real

The sautéed mushrooms found in Le Boulangarie's mushroom soup are long and slimy, like little eels. One evening, while emptying the contents of sugar containers into a large tub, I noticed what I thought was a sautéed mushroom underneath a silver sugar lid. How the fuck did a mushroom get in here? Then the mushroom moved. It was a brown and grey slug. Ewwwwwww. More disgusting was the fact that in order to lodge itself underneath the sugar lid, the slug must have slimed its way into the small opening at the top, where the sugar comes out. I thought about the times that day where I watched customers shaking those sugar containers, or tapping the sides to loosen up the crystals. What if they had tapped in the right corner to free the slug?

Alan Toth